Scissor Lift


Scissor lifts are a type of Aerial Lift used to safely move workers vertically. OSHA regulates scissor lifts under the “Scaffolding Standard”. Hazards include falling from lifts, tipping over, and being crushed between the lift and other objects. Compliance is easy when you have the enclosed safety material in your hands.



Scissor lifts are a type of Aerial Lift used to safely move workers vertically. OSHA regulates scissor lifts under the “Scaffolding Standard”. Hazards include falling from lifts, tipping over, and being crushed between the lift and other objects. Compliance is easy when you have the enclosed safety material in your hands.

Package Includes

  • Best Practices to help you get started.
  • OSHA inspection / audit checklist to help you identify hazards
  • FACE Reports (Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation). Helps you better understand hazards and prevention techniques. ( 4 to 6 each)
  • Fact Sheets provide summaries of various OSHA regulations & hazards with compliance tips. (4 to 6 each).
  • Forms are provided to assist you in compliance.
  • Handouts are a good resource to give to students to emphasize a particular point. (4 to 6 each
  • Hazard Alerts, usually obtained by OSHA to help us reduce hazards, accidents & injuries.
  • PowerPoint is provided and may be used to assist the trainer.
  • Training Lesson Plan provides a guide for what students need to learn, how it will be taught, and how learning will be measured.
  • Quickcards offer an overview of an important safety topic as well as tips to help workers raise their awareness of some common workplace hazards.
  • Quiz to document that students understood the topic.
  • Resources are provided to give valuable information and guidelines to help companies better lead and manage their safety programs. (10 – 12 each)
  • Toolbox Talks provide short reminders of various safety and health rules and procedures. (4 to 6 each).
  • Training Sign-in Sheet which complies with ANZI Z490.1 “Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety and Health Training.
  • Written Program to help ensure compliance with OSHA, satisfy customer requirements and to help you better lead and manage your safety process.


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