We help the Safety Director save time and effort by providing you everything you need to perform your job easier, faster, and better.
Safety Programs, Best Practices, Lesson Plans, PowerPoints, Handouts, Quizzes, Resource Material on each topic, and lots of Tips & Tricks for the Safety Director.
Bart Leist, Safety Consultant
We’ve Earned Our Stripes.
Safety-To-You provides precisely everything needed to get your safety program up and running.

“For the person assigned as Safety Director, Safety-To-You will save you time and effort. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Everything you need to better manage your safety program is right here.”
Travis New, Safety Director at Brown Sprinkler
Safety Articles
3 things to do NOW regarding Lockout / Tagout.
You will not believe this! Incident # 1: New employee with 2 weeks experience decided to clean his machine during breaktime. Nobody did that! And during breaktime, maintenance was tasked with repairing this same machine. The line-worker turned the corkscrew conveyor OFF and proceeded to clean. At same time, maintenance turned the machine ON, to make repairs and adjustments. They never saw each other, but from the loud scream, it was obvious something went terribly wrong. Line-worker’s arm was amputated just below the elbow. Incident # 2: Maintenance [...]
Hazard Communication: Tips to consider.
You will not believe this! Incident # 1: An OSHA inspector said, “watch this” and he picked up the oldest most rusty can of spray paint he saw on the shelf and asked to see the Safety Data Sheet. Although we had a hundred SDS’s, we did not have this one. Smiling, he said “I knew it! I get them on that every time”. Incident # 2: We had a forklift operator loading an empty trailer and was exposed to an unknown chemical residue from inside the trailer. [...]